Saturday, June 13, 2015

Poi Workshop

On Friday afternoon a small group from our Ako were excited to be part of a Poi Workshop taken by Hikitia - Taylor-Mio's mum. Thanks to Hikitia for a fabulous session and to Eilleen for organising it.

Poi Workshop from andrea des forges on Vimeo.


This term as part of our maths, we have been learning about measurement.
Here is a slide show about our learning.

Autumn Leaf Art

We've been doing an art study on Autumn Leaves. We started by sketching leaves and making leaf rubbings. Then we created PVA print templates and had fun creating prints using Autumn colours.

Autumn Leaf Art 2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Now it's  Te Ako Kowhai Question Time where our keen young interviewers are not afraid to ask the hard questions. Thanks Mrs Van Schaijik and Rika for helping our Junior Explorers with their interview techniques and camera work. Can't wait for the next episode.

Director's Cut2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Samoan Language Week

Talofa everyone!
It was Samoan Language week this week. We were pleased to have Mrs Van Schaijik and Mr van den Heuvel teach us some Samoan language and talk to us about their culture.

Samoan Language Week from andrea des forges on Vimeo.