Monday, September 21, 2015

Term 3

Wow! Term 3 has gone really fast. We started in Room 7 with 10 children and now have 15. We've had a great time and have been very busy. Here's a video of some of the activities we've enjoyed this term.

Great Term 3 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Counting to 10

Here are some of the different ways we can count to 10.

counting to 10 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

World Literacy Day

Last Tuesday it was World Literacy Day. We had a great time dressing up as book characters and having a parade. The real highlight was having parents come and read us stories from their cultures. We heard stories in Korean, Mandarin, Tongan, Nuiean, Hindi and English. Thank you to the parents who did a great job reading (and in some cases acting out!) their stories. Thanks also goes to the fabulous teachers Mrs Irshad, Miss Morrison and Mr J for organising such a great day.

World Literacy Day from andrea des forges on Vimeo.