We have been looking at snails so we can find out ways to keep them away from our vegetable garden. Imagine our amazement when we found out about the Giant African Land Snail!
Here's what we wrote about it.
The giant land African snail it is extremely big. If it's in the sun it will dry up and it can hide from big animals. They can't fight.
by Kaelyn
I would like to hold this snail because it would feel tickly.
by Charlie C.
This giant snail is hungry. It could eat a whole plant!
by Apao
The snail is slimy and the snail is ginormous!
by Charlie P.
I don't like the snail because it is too slimy and big.
by Siale
This snail is moving on the man's hand. It is heavy.
by Chance
The snail shell looks like a sea shell and it is long and a bit pointy. It hides in its shell. The shell protects itself.
by Soparri.
The snails are huge and the shell is pointy and it can hide from the sun.
by Henry
The snail is crawling on the hand. It feels heavy and slimy.
by J.J
Snail is sleepy. Snail is big!
by Nozomi
I have a snail. It looks beautiful. I love that it has a pointy shell.
by Zoe
This snail is slimy and very big.
by Andrew
The snail feels like slimy and in the sun it can't move in the sun because it gets dry in the sun.
by Amy
This snail is big and slimy.
by Allan
This snail is very big.
by Jaden
This snail is slimy and really big!
by Musashi
Ki ora, Namaste, Ni hao, Malo e lei lei, Ohayou Gozaimasu, Xin Chao, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula Vinaka, Kia orana, Talofa, Choum reap sor. Welcome to our blog! We are a group of junior children who love to create and explore.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Amazing Starfish
The Tigers reading group read a great book about starfish. We decided to make a padlet to show what we'd learned from the book.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
We have been interested in all the fireworks we have seen lately and were inspired to write fireworks stories and paint fireworks pictures.
The Man Fireworks is going in the sky. It is orange.
by Musashi
I can see a exploding fireworks. I can see blue and yellow and green.
by Andrew
The fireworks are exploding. I can see purple fireworks.
by J.J
Monday, September 21, 2015
Term 3
Wow! Term 3 has gone really fast. We started in Room 7 with 10 children and now have 15. We've had a great time and have been very busy. Here's a video of some of the activities we've enjoyed this term.
Great Term 3 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Counting to 10
Here are some of the different ways we can count to 10.
counting to 10 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
counting to 10 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
World Literacy Day
Last Tuesday it was World Literacy Day. We had a great time dressing up as book characters and having a parade. The real highlight was having parents come and read us stories from their cultures. We heard stories in Korean, Mandarin, Tongan, Nuiean, Hindi and English. Thank you to the parents who did a great job reading (and in some cases acting out!) their stories. Thanks also goes to the fabulous teachers Mrs Irshad, Miss Morrison and Mr J for organising such a great day.
World Literacy Day from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
What Am I?
We've been learning about sea creatures in Room 7. We thought we'd test your knowledge. Have a look and see how many animals you can work out from our clues.
What Am I from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
What Am I from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Our Assembly
We had another awesome assembly. This time our theme was Respect.
Assembly August 2015 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Assembly August 2015 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The Giraffes reading group read the book Hoiho's Chicks and were keen to share what they have learned about penguins. You might like to share what you know about penguins in the comments box.
penguins from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
penguins from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Hat Parade
The children of Te Ako Kowhai love to design and create things so we decided to have a hat day. All the children were busy planning and then making their hats. Miss Morrison, Mrs Scott and Mrs Bell were on hand to help with the cutting and decorating and Mrs Kung had the tricky job of judging the best hats. Well done everyone and thanks to Miss Morrison and Mrs Scott who supplied the photos.
Hat Parade from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Poi Workshop
On Friday afternoon a small group from our Ako were excited to be part of a Poi Workshop taken by Hikitia - Taylor-Mio's mum. Thanks to Hikitia for a fabulous session and to Eilleen for organising it.
Poi Workshop from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
This term as part of our maths, we have been learning about measurement.
Here is a slide show about our learning.
Here is a slide show about our learning.
Autumn Leaf Art
We've been doing an art study on Autumn Leaves. We started by sketching leaves and making leaf rubbings. Then we created PVA print templates and had fun creating prints using Autumn colours.
Autumn Leaf Art 2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Now it's Te Ako Kowhai Question Time where our keen young interviewers are not afraid to ask the hard questions. Thanks Mrs Van Schaijik and Rika for helping our Junior Explorers with their interview techniques and camera work. Can't wait for the next episode.
Director's Cut2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Director's Cut2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Samoan Language Week
Talofa everyone!
It was Samoan Language week this week. We were pleased to have Mrs Van Schaijik and Mr van den Heuvel teach us some Samoan language and talk to us about their culture.
It was Samoan Language week this week. We were pleased to have Mrs Van Schaijik and Mr van den Heuvel teach us some Samoan language and talk to us about their culture.
Samoan Language Week from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Cross Country
It was an exciting Cross Country this year. The Te Ako Kowhai children had been practising for weeks and when the time came to race they all tried their best. Even when the rain came down they kept on going. Well done everyone and thanks to Mr J and Mrs Irshad for organising the event.
Here are some of the fabulous stories that the children wrote about the experience. Their learning intention was to use adjectives in their writing.
Cross Country
by Taylor-Mio
On your marks, get set, go!
I ran and ran. I ran in the cross country. The ground was Mucky and wet and slippery. I was tired because it was a long race.
Cross Country
by Shenol
On your marks, get set, go! I ran fast and fast around the orange comes. Then the rain came down. The field was wet. the grass was slippery and I didn't give up. I tried my best.
Cross Country
by Ian
On your marks, get set, go!
We ran aroun the cones. The big and small cones are on the soggy field. The rain was so rainy!
Ready...Set...Go! I am having Cross Country with the children. When we got to the field I saw cones. They were the colour orange. Then the teacher at the starting line daid,
"On your marks, get set, go!" And we ran. After that I felt a raindrop. I ran slow so I don't trip over. It was rainy. We ran up the stairs. Then I ran past the road, past ocean wonderland, past a classroom, behind the classrooms, past the clock tower. Then I saw orange cones with white stripes on it. Then I ran past the road, back down the stairs , on the grass and past the starting line. I was hot and tired. The race was long and humongous and fantastic but Cross Country is cancelled for now.
I said, "Maybe we can do it tomorrow".
To my surprise, my mum and dad came running to me.
"Are you alright?" They said to me.
"I am alright," I said.
Here are some of the fabulous stories that the children wrote about the experience. Their learning intention was to use adjectives in their writing.

by Taylor-Mio
On your marks, get set, go!
I ran and ran. I ran in the cross country. The ground was Mucky and wet and slippery. I was tired because it was a long race.
Cross Country

On your marks, get set, go! I ran fast and fast around the orange comes. Then the rain came down. The field was wet. the grass was slippery and I didn't give up. I tried my best.

by Ian
On your marks, get set, go!
We ran aroun the cones. The big and small cones are on the soggy field. The rain was so rainy!
Cross Country
by Ethan
Ready...Set...Go! I am having Cross Country with the children. When we got to the field I saw cones. They were the colour orange. Then the teacher at the starting line daid,
"On your marks, get set, go!" And we ran. After that I felt a raindrop. I ran slow so I don't trip over. It was rainy. We ran up the stairs. Then I ran past the road, past ocean wonderland, past a classroom, behind the classrooms, past the clock tower. Then I saw orange cones with white stripes on it. Then I ran past the road, back down the stairs , on the grass and past the starting line. I was hot and tired. The race was long and humongous and fantastic but Cross Country is cancelled for now.
I said, "Maybe we can do it tomorrow".
To my surprise, my mum and dad came running to me.
"Are you alright?" They said to me.
"I am alright," I said.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Mother's Day
Here's a few reasons why we want to say, Happy Mother's Day!
mothers day from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
mothers day from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Finally! The wait is over. Here is our Camp movie for 2015. Special thanks to Gayle and all the parents and staff who gave their time so that our camp could be a success.
Camp 2015 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Camp 2015 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Here's a Google Slides presentation of our work around Apples and healthy food.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Japanese Song
We are very lucky to have Toyoko helping in our Ako. Toyoko is visiting from Japan. She is a retired teacher and was kind enough to teach us a Japanese song about Tulips.
Japanese song from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Our Writing
Our learning intention for writing this week was to draw a picture plan and talk about it to the teacher. We also needed to write some letters or words to go with our story.
Here are three pieces of writing from three Year 1 children who have only been at school for 2 weeks.
Here are three pieces of writing from three Year 1 children who have only been at school for 2 weeks.
Kowhai Writing from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Kowhai Writing2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Kowhai writing3 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
We've had a great week with Constable Rob learning about the importance of safe walking.
Safe Walking from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Welcome to Te Ako Kowhai
TAKO welcome from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Telegami and background music created by Harry Des Forges
Friday, January 23, 2015
Elliot's Summer Holiday
Well it's been an amazing summer so far and Elliot's certainly enjoyed his holiday. Check out his holiday slideshow to see what he's been up to.
Elliot's Holiday2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Music by Shapeshifter
Elliot's Holiday2 from andrea des forges on Vimeo.
Music by Shapeshifter
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